Moment Group

Describe Moment Group's platform for profitable growth

… through a company presentation with a focus on the capital market

Först slide in Moment Groups presentation
Wallmans Group
Platform for profitable growth
Inspiring goals and a clear strategy ahead

Moment Group is an experience group listed on Nasdaq that conducts operations in stage entertainment, show arenas, activity restaurants as well as events and communication. The company turned to Solberg for help in developing a company presentation that will be used to communicate with the capital market. 

The presentation was to be based on a story that describes Moment Group as a company group – and that clearly communicates its strengths. Primarily to be used in connection with a renegotiation of the company's corporate bond, the presentation was also to serve as a unifying message platform and be used towards ongoing financial communication.

After reading and interviews, Solberg delivered a strategy, formulated as a platform for profitable growth. This was the basis for the Moment Group presentation, which included its investment case.

"It may be a bit accountant-like, but I live by the motto: What is not documented, does not get done. The presentation means that everyone knows what applies, where we are going and how to get there. The IR presentation has become a starting point for our continued communication."

Martin du Hane, CEO Moment Group

Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with

Robert Odenjung, Senior Consultant and PR and Brand Strategy Advisor at Solberg

Robert Odenjung

Senior Consultant and PR and Brand Strategy Advisor