... through an annual report that clearly describes the company's strategic priorities and essential issues.
SKF's products and services are everywhere in society and are therefore an important part of everyday life for both people and companies. The company has an extremely strong industrial brand and 43,000 competent employees who work to make things go faster and longer, but also cleaner and safer. Always with the customer in focus.
Solberg has worked with SKF since 2016. The cooperation aims to develop SKF’s description for various channels to highlight its decisions to maximise the industry's long-term positive impact. The commitment for the annual report includes consultancy, concept, copy, project management, design and production. A short version of the annual report, ‘SKF in brief’, is also produced each year. In addition, Solberg has in recent years assisted with the design and production of the information material for SKF's Investor Letter and TCFD Report.
Using engaging design and short educational texts, we simply and engagingly communicate how global group SKF creates sustainably focused value.
Contact us to know more!

Jeanette Gustafsson
Senior Consultant and PR Advisor