The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund

An Annual Report that shows clear effect

… through a stringent design and teaching formulated content

Cover of Barncancerfonden Annual Report 2022
Index in Barncancerfonden Annual Report 2022
Page 1 in Barncancerfonden Annual Report 2022
Page 3 in Barncancerfonden Annual Report 2022

The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund was looking for a new partner in producing its Annual Report. The report describes the strategic starting points of The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund and contains an Operational and Impact Report, Sustainability Report and Annual Report. The goal was to succinctly describe the effect that the collected funds have in the fight against childhood cancer, therefore helping to maintain donors’ high confidence in the organisation.

The assignment included advice on the concept, format and development of content, as well as the creation of copy and design in line with The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund’s tonality and visual identity. Right from the idea stage, the content was planned so that selected parts could be picked out and published as content in The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund’s social channels.


The result of the project is an Annual Report that, with a clear design language and well-worked content, addresses the stakeholders of The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund – donors, decision-makers, employees, and those affected.

Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with

Maria Almström, Senior Consultant at Solberg

Maria Almström

Senior Consultant