Cell Impact

Support in the green transition

… through developed web and reporting

cellimpact.com home page on a laptop

Cell Impact has a unique method for manufacturing flow plates for fuel cells and electrolysers* in a resource and cost-effective way. The company is therefore actively participating in establishing a hydrogen economy – and contributing to the green energy transition.

Solberg supports Cell Impact with ongoing advice in both market communication and IR issues. Since the collaboration began, Solberg has developed a new format and content for financial reporting and a new website with a structure that is adapted for both market communication and IR issues. Content has been updated to better match the company’s current business strategy – and to live up to the requirements of a listed company. As support for the development of reports and web, Solberg has also assisted with an update of Cell Impact’s visual identity.

*An electrolyser is a component used to extract hydrogen from water. If the electrolysis is powered by renewable energy, the result is climate-neutral green hydrogen.


The result has been more active and clear communication in both market and IR communication.

Interested in knowing more? Get in touch with

Robert Odenjung, Senior Consultant and PR and Brand Strategy Advisor at Solberg

Robert Odenjung

Senior Consultant and PR and Brand Strategy Advisor